Foil-wrapped cheesy eggs in peppers

A satisfying breakfast is so important to a good camping trip; it should be simple but filling—and, ideally, piping hot. Don’t try and feed me granola if I’m waking up in a tent. It will just set me off on a day of chasing snacks and being cranky. There’s something about a fire-cooked breakfast that just sets the tone for a great day in our beautiful wilderness.

This technique takes a bit of practice, especially if you’re a diehard runny-egg person, but it’s well worth it once you’ve gotten it down pat.

Foil-wrapped cheesy eggs in peppers

Foil-wrapped cheesy eggs in peppers

There’s something about a fire-cooked breakfast that just sets the tone for a great day in our beautiful wilderness.


  • 1 bell pepper, halved
  • ⅓ cup shredded cheese (cheddar, mozzarella, gouda)
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and cracked black pepper, to taste
  • Hot sauce, optional


  1. Have two pieces of foil on hand. Divide the shredded cheese between the two pepper halves, break an egg into each pepper and top with salt and pepper and any remaining shreds of cheese. Wrap with foil so that the cut half of the pepper, with the egg, is exposed.
  2. Build a fire and let it burn down until you have a few flames and a solid bed of coals. Place grill over coals and let the grill heat up for a few minutes.
  3. Place the foil packet on the grill and cook until the pepper is soft and the egg is runny, or hard. It’s really going to be up to your fire, how these eggs come out—but, any way the eggs come out, the cheese will be wonderfully gooey ... so don’t stress about it too much. Remove from the fire and eat with lots of hot sauce.


Everything you need, now get the fire going!

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