That would be “Oh My God!”
That would be “Oh My God!”

FGS, it’s the invasion of the acronym-addicted GOC/YG bunch of CS! We were online trying to find out how the federal dental plan worked with our existing Yukon Dental Program. What we found was something called Coordination of benefits between the CDCP and the YDP. It’s a colossal PITA. It exemplifies the influence of AI on CS who can’t think for themselves and assume that YAM can figure it out from the context.

Oh, I’m sorry, the OC was for DEO. And I guess I wasn’t expected to understand it. Ah well. My dentist is YTM, so I suppose he’ll get it.

But WAW can I find ITARTM? It seems to be MIA. At least I can’t find it. Are GWs designed to be IBS?

Write plain language sentences FFS! There, I said it. I didn’t mean to, but the whole issue of acronyms PMO … except for the title of my column (so, CMAH).



AI: Alternative Idiocy

CDCP: Canada’s DeCeptive Protocols

CMAH: Call Me A Hypocrite

CS: Communication Specialists

DEO: Dentists’ Eyes Only

FFS: A little stronger wording than FGS

FGS: Fer Goodness Sake

GOC: Government Of Colonials

GW: Government Wierdsites

IBS: Impenetrable By Seniors

ITARTM: Information That Actually Relates To Me

MIA: (everybody knows this one): Missing In Action

OC: Original Confusion

PITA: Hemorrhoid

PMO: Puts Me Off

WAW: Where and When

YAM: You And Me

YDP: Yukon’s Disposable Pensioners?

YG: Yahoo Gamers: formerly YTG (Yukon Territorial Golem)YTM: Younger Than Me

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