Fit ‘n’ Healthy: A New Year and a New You

Here’s to hoping you all have a very healthy, happy holiday this year!

Remember the following:

Everything you do, do in moderation. Drink one or two drinks, not twelve. Have one dessert, not four.

Get outside and get some fresh air. It’s good for your soul.

Tell your loved ones you care for them with your heart, not your bank account.

Cook homemade, healthy meals.

Play with your kids.

Do crafts. Can’t come up with ideas? The Internet is a great way to start.

Eat your vegetables.

Plan to get a few workouts in (something is better than nothing).

If you’re going on a long flight, remember to get up and walk around in the middle. Need a reason because they don’t like you walking around? Pretend to go to the bathroom and do some squats in there! Hey, whatever you’ve got to do!

Drink your water, especially if you are flying and/or consuming alcoholic beverages. Be sure you are getting your water in. It will help enhance your mood and increase your energy levels. And it will keep you regular, help maintain your weight and much more. Remember to drink one glass of water for every ounce of alcohol.

DO NOT drink and drive!

Sing, dance, play and be merry!

Stop to watch the snow fall and check out all the beautiful lights.


Don’t drain your bank account: it’s too stressful and it’s not worth it. Buy something meaningful, not just stuff.

Sleep in, even for just a day or two.

Do something for your loved ones that they wouldn’t expect: bring them breakfast in bed, fill their cars with gas, make their favourite dinner, take them for a walk. Expect nothing in return and only do it because you want to.


And remember to get back to the gym early in the new year! Your body and your mind will love you for it.

This column is provided by Peak Fitness. Mrs. Lee Randell is an ACE certified personal trainer. Contact information and past articles are available at Anyone who wants to begin an exercise program should consult their physician first.

This column is provided by Mrs. Lee Randell, independent fitness consultant, who is an ACE certified advanced health and fitness specialist and personal trainer. You can reach her at

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