Fit ‘n’ Healthy: Workouts Don’t Take Energy,

Workouts Give Energy

Tired? Lazy? Does even the thought of getting up and starting your car make you feel exhausted? No energy to go to the gym? Well, the truth is that going to the gym and getting some exercise is exactly what your body is begging for.

New research suggests regular exercise can increase energy levels even among people suffering from chronic medical conditions such as cancer and heart disease that are associated with fatigue.

In a recent study, published in Psychological Bulletin, the researchers analyzed 70 studies on exercise and fatigue involving more than 6,800 people.

More than 90 per cent of the studies showed the same thing: “Sedentary people who completed a regular exercise program reported improved fatigue compared to groups that did not exercise,” says O’Connor. “It’s a very consistent effect.”

The frustrating thing is that those times when we are tired are the hardest times to get our butts off the couch, get dressed, start the car at -30 and get to the gym to do at least a bit of a workout.

We are very good at making excuses as to why we are tired. We are working too much, too hard, too long; and the kids are exhausting, there’s too much housework to do, too much snow to shovel.

Really, if we took an hour out of each day to exercise and to make our bodies sweat a little, then all of these other activities would get easier with all of the excess energy we would have. Mental exhaustion is not the same as physical exhaustion.

Stop looking for outside sources such as coffee and energy drinks to give you energy and start looking at increasing your activity level first.

At a time when we are all paying attention to our wallets, a walk is free energy.

Keep a journal of your activities, nutrition and energy levels and you may find that, with a clean diet and just 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity a day, you’ll be more productive and less exhausted in your daily life.

This column is provided by Peak Fitness. Mrs. Lee Randell is an ACE certified personal trainer. Contact information and past articles are available at Anyone who wants to begin an exercise program should consult their physician first.

This column is provided by Mrs. Lee Randell, independent fitness consultant, who is an ACE certified advanced health and fitness specialist and personal trainer. You can reach her at

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