I’ve tried a lot of things as an adult, some have been more difficult than others. But something relatively easy for me is golfing.

My husband Ryan has recently become obsessed with the sport and takes every opportunity to head to the golf course. So one evening we thought we’d join him down at the driving range at Mountain View Golf Club to have a try at this sport.

It was around 4pm on a warm summer evening and the driving range was pretty much empty (which is great when you have a baby who runs around uncontrollably). 

The first step is getting a beer. You can’t golf without a beer (in my opinion) and what’s great is you are able to drink and golf! I’m starting to see the appeal of the sport.

We gathered our bucket of golf balls and headed to the big patch of grass of the driving range. Ryan started hitting balls high and far. This looks easy I thought.

I got the golf club I wanted and went to swing. And swung again. And again. And again! Ok, how do I hit the ball?

I got some small pointers and finally hit the ball…along the ground and a very short distance.

I kept trying and eventually my shoulders and back started to hurt, so I gave up. Ryan went back to hitting balls while I ran around after Maverick. Eventually we decided to end our practice as the golf range started to fill up with more people. We ate our airport chalet food on the grass, enjoying the beautiful greenery and that amazing summer day. 

Golf seems fun, maybe with practice I could enjoy it without aggravating old injuries.

But for now, I think I’ll just stick to the beer.

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