Local Whitehorse photographer, Nicola Williamson, and her partner Sam Meier are embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure

Our plan is to drive from the Yukon all the way down to the southernmost point of South America in our rusty but trusty van, affectionately named “Mo.” This epic journey, expected to span up to two years, will take us along the Pan-American Highway, the longest highway in the world, covering a diverse array of landscapes, cultures, and experiences.

The Dream Begins

Me (Nicola) and Sam, are originally from the UK and Switzerland respectively and discovered a shared love for adventure when we met while travelling in British Columbia in the not-too-distant-past. Following moving to the Yukon together in 2021, our shared dream of traversing the Americas began to take shape while sitting around the campfire in the Yukon wilderness. Being a local landscape photographer, I have been able to capture the stunning beauty of the Yukon through my lens for several years and have always dreamt of photographing Patagonia. Sam, who is a skilled carpenter with a love for adventure, has long dreamed of undertaking an extensive road trip.  

The Route

The Pan-American Highway is more than just a road; it’s a journey through the heart of the Americas. Spanning approximately 19,000 miles from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, to Ushuaia, Argentina, it traverses a myriad of environments from the frozen tundra of the north to the lush rainforests of Central America and the arid deserts of the south. We spent 3 months touring Alaska in 2022 where we made the trip up the Dalton Highway and dipped our toes in the Arctic Ocean before returning to Whitehorse to build up our savings.

We plan to take our time, stopping frequently to explore and document our shared experiences. 

We’ve always been drawn to the idea of slow travel. There’s something incredibly enriching about taking the time to truly immerse yourself in different places, cultures, and ways of life. The Pan-American Highway offers the perfect route to do just that. We’re not in a rush.

Preparing Mo for the Journey

Mo, our 1999 Ford E350, has been a steadfast companion on many shorter trips around the Yukon. Converted and upgraded (by Sam) over many hours of hard work, he is a tiny home on wheels and fully equipped with everything required for off-grid living. Mo has a lot of character. He truly feels like a comfortable home on wheels and Sam has poured a lot of time and energy into making him just right and ready for the journey. 

Challenges and Expectations

While the journey promises incredible experiences, it is not without its potential challenges. We anticipate encountering a range of obstacles from mechanical issues with Mo to navigating border crossings and adapting to different cultures and languages. We have some concerns about the toll the road will take on our old van, but we’ll figure out whatever comes our way.

We know it won’t always be easy, but overcoming these challenges is part of what makes the journey worthwhile and adds to the adventure. In my experience of travel, the best stories come from when things go wrong.

Our friends and family have expressed concerns about safety along the route but we’re not overly worried. Of course we need to be mindful about safety but many people travel in the Americas without issue. As long as we’re careful, make wise decisions and stay prepared, I’m confident we’ll be safe. 

A Journey of Discovery

I am particularly excited about the photographic opportunities that lie ahead. The diversity of landscapes along the Pan-American Highway is astounding. From the glaciers of Patagonia to the volcanoes of Central America, the possibilities for capturing unique images are endless. I can’t wait to share these moments with others.

As we set off on our journey, we are filled with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and a healthy dose of nervousness. It’s a big leap into the unknown. But it’s also an incredible opportunity. We’re ready to embrace whatever comes our way.

Connecting with the World

Throughout our journey, we plan to maintain a blog and social media presence to document our adventures and photography. I hope to inspire others to pursue their own dreams of exploration and to foster a deeper appreciation for the natural beauty and cultural richness of the Americas.

I want to bring people along with us on this journey by sharing my stories and photos. There’s so much beauty in the world, and I want to showcase that.
You can follow our journey at nicolawilliamsonphotography.com or via social media at linktr.ee/nicolawilliamsonphotography and watch for more updates in the pages of What’s Up Yukon.

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